Step 1. Prepare your abstracts using the template. Click here for example of abstract. Please note that your abstract will not be reviewed if they are not formatted according to the conference template.
Step 2. Submit you abstracts using Easychair
Step 3. Wait for results of the reviewing process
Step 4. Register before attending the conference
Step 5. Prepare your presentation, using the conference template and guidelines
Research and Technology – Step into the Future (RaTSiF-2024).
The purpose of the conference is to bring together young researchers of TSI and other institutions on the basis of mutual multidisciplinary scientific interests for obtaining breakthrough results of solution of tasks that are existing currently and will appear in the future.
Scientific agenda of the Conference includes Plenary presentations of the Latvian and foreign researchers, and presentations of young participants within the framework of sessions.
The RaTSiF Conference is an annual event that provides a unique forum for young people to present their researches and to collaborate with their peers. All young academics involved in technical, economic and social research are invited to present a scientific talk describing their work. During the conference, each participant has an opportunity to find associates, strengthen lasting personal and professional relationships, to develop and improve their communication skills and to gain valuable experience in the environment of a scientific conference.
The Conference takes place twice a year.
Abstracts of the RaTSif Conference are published in the scientific and research journal Research and Technology – Step into the Future, see on-line issues at TSI Students Publications
Young researches, doctoral students, postgraduate students and students of the Latvian and foreign institutions are invited to participate.
Official languages of the conference are: Latvian and English.
Sponsored and hosted by Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia)
Transport and telecommunication institute (TSI) – is a modern university with the almost centennial history. TSI – is the university-successor of the legendary RKIIGA (Riga Red-Banner Civil Aviation Institute) and RAU (Riga Aviation Institute).
In the present-day appearance TSI was established in 1999. Nowadays TSI – is the only one private technical college university type in Latvia, where you can get higher education in Russian, Latvian and English languages.
- Igor Kabashkin, Professor, Chairman, Director of Programme, TSI
- Irina Yatskiv, Professor, Chairwoman of the Board, TSI
- Boriss Misnevs, Professor, Engineering Faculty, TSI
- Irina Kuzmina-Merlino, Professor, Director of Programme, Transport and Management Faculty, TSI
- Dmitry Pavlyuk, Professor, Director of Programme, Engineering Faculty, TSI
- Mihails Savrasovs, Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic & Research, TSI
- Yulia Stukalina, Professor, Vice-Dean of Transport and Management Faculty, TSI
- Emmanuel Merchan, Professor, Dean of the Engineering Faculty TSI
- Alexander Medvedev, Professor, Vice-Dean of the Engineering Faculty, TSI
- Irina Pticina, Professor, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, TSI
- Irina Yatskiv, Professor, Chairwoman of the Board, TSI
- Mihails Savrasovs, Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic & Research, TSI
- Dmitry Pavlyuk, Professor, TSI
- Jelena Rutkovska, Organizing Manager, TSI
Contact person:
Jelena Rutkovska: (+371) 67100586, Rutkovska.J@tsi.lv
Contact person for TSI master students:
Olga Zervina: (+371) 67100613, Zervina.O@tsi.lv
Contact person for TSI postgraduate students:
Oksana Pozdnyakova: (+371) 67100572, Pozdnakova.O@tsi.lv
Conference topics
main scientific areas
Computer Problems of the Information Society and the Modern Electronics
- Telecommunication and Networking
- Emerging networking, tracking and sensing technologies
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Embedded systems
- Robotics
- Numerical analysis and scientific computing
- Statistics, probability theory and stochastic processes
- Multicriteria optimization
- Service oriented computing for systems & applications
- Smart environments and applications
- Information technology and organizational behaviour
- Agents, data mining and ontologies
- Big data and analytics
- Agent systems, intelligent computing and applications
- Cloud computing
- Information and network security
- Organizational information systems, information fusion, information management systems
- New ICT based applications in the digital society
- Management information systems
- Decision support systems
- Design and development methodologies and frameworks
- Enabled applications through virtualization
- Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Tools and applications
- Management of virtualized systems. Platforms, tools, environments, and case studies
- Software requirements engineering
- Software design, frameworks, and architectures
- Neural networks and performance
- Software tools and deployment environments
- Software Intelligence
- Software Performance and Evaluation
- Сomputer vision
- Theory and applications of reliability and statistics
Transport and Logistics
- fundamentals of the transport systems (road, railway, inland waterways, maritime, air as well as intermodal transport) and logistics operation;
- economics and management in transport and logistics;
- quality of transport and logistics services;
- application of digitalization to transport-logistics processes;
- implementation of advanced handling technologies, information systems and smart technologies in transport-logistics processes;
- measures in tariff and transport policy;
- traffic safety and measures in terms of reducing risks in transport and logistics processes;
- intelligent transportation infrastructure;
- public transport planning and scheduling;
- sustainable solutions in international freight forwarding;
- development trends in the management of international shipment flows;
- implementation of advanced intermodal transport management and fleets management;
- environmental research in transport processes (energy intensity, energy and fuel consumption, alternative and conventional energy sources, GHG and emissions production, air pollution, and so forth);
- engineering mechanics, electrical engineering in transport and logistics, and electromobility.
- sustainable supply chain management
- corporate social responsibility in transport and logistics sector
Market: Research, Projects, Technologies and Problems of the Modern Economy and Business
- The role of modern management in the information society
- Problems of globalization in the world economy
- Innovation as a basis of modern management
- Digital economy: development prospects
- Digital business transformation: opportunities and prospects
- The role of information technologies in the economy
- Problems and ways of development of the financial system of Latvia and the EU
- Role of financial management in the management system
- Strategic management as a basis of efficient management
- Role of marketing in modern business management
- Prospects and problems of Internet marketing and e-Commerce
- Tax planning in the organization
- Banking and insurance
- Human resource management: challenges and prospects
- Leadership as a component of effective management of a modern organization
- Business education: digital technologies, opportunities and challenges
- Social responsibility of business
Modern Technologies of Education
- Topical issues of modern theory and methods of teaching in higher education institutions
- Professional training of future specialists and ways of its perfection
- Modern business education: major trends, problems and their solution methods
- Role of the teacher in modern educational process
- Assessment of learning outcomes and forms and methods of control
- Contemporary educational psychology
- Role of science in development of academic programmes. Innovative project-research and experimental activities in educational institutions
- Monitoring of students` satisfaction with quality of educational services
- Theoretical and methodical foundations of the education continuity (school-university)
- Information technologies in education
- Distance learning experience: problems, prospects
- Using Moodle as a teaching tool
- Administrative and legal aspects of planning and implementation of the teaching process in a higher education institution
- Globalization of higher education and international recognition of higher education institutions and their study programs (mobility, joint programs, massive open online course, international accreditation and ratings)
- Problems of continuity: vocational education – higher education – industry
Invited speakers

Project Manager at Mobility Development Planning Division, Riga City Council, Riga, Latvia

MG.SC.ING., Researcher, Transport and Telecommunication Institute, TSI, Riga, Latvia

MG.SC.ING., Researcher, Transport and Telecommunication Institute, TSI, Riga, Latvia
Conference Rates
Hurry up and use the Early Bird offer
BSc, MSc, PhD Student
✓ Thesis presentation
✓ Admission to all sessions
✓ Hard copy of Abstracts
TSI staff and students
✓ Thesis presentation
✓ Admission to all sessions
✘ Hard copy of Abstracts
Submission Guidelines
Registration starts: 14.02.2024
Abstract Submission deadline: 18.03.2024
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 28.03.2024
Conference: 19.04.2024
Each paper should clearly indicate the nature of its technical/scientific contribution, and the problems, domains or environments to which it is applicable, addressing one or several of the conference areas or topics. Only original papers should be submitted.
Authors should submit a paper in Latvian or English, checked for correct grammar and spelling.
Before submitting a manuscript, please read the information for authors in section Formatting of this website. Please do not submit your paper until it satisfies the requirements of formatting. The templates could also be found in the section Formatting.
Please use this link to submit your theses (if you do not have an EasyChair profile, sign up)
Abstracts (about 600 words in length) submitted for review should present a clear and concise view of the motivation of the subject, give an outline, and include information on all authors (the full name, affiliation, address and e-mail address of the corresponding author). Submitted abstracts will be reviewed.
Using these templates is strongly advised to all authors submitting an abstract for reviewing:
Please note that your abstracts will not be reviewed if they are not formatted according to the conference template.
Name of account holder: Transport and Telecommunication Institute
Address of account holder: Lomonosova 1, Riga, LV-1019, Latvia
VAT (tax) registration number: LV40003458903
Name of the Bank: Swedbank
Address of the Bank: Balasta dambis 1a, Riga, LV-1048, Latvia
IBAN: LV06HABA0551032952167
Purpose: RaTSiF 2024 spring
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Riga, Latvia
Riga is the capital of the Republic of Latvia. Thanks to its geographical location, Riga has wonderful trade, cultural and tourist facilities. Whilst able to offer all the benefits of a modern city, Riga has preserved its historical charm. It’s especially famous for its medieval part – Old Riga.
Old Riga still preserves many mute witnesses of bygone times. Its old narrow streets, historical monuments, organ music at one of the oldest organ halls in Europe attract guests of our city. In 1998 Old Riga was included into the UNESCO list of world cultural heritage.
Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Transporta un Sakaru Institūts)
Lauvas street 2, Riga, LV1019, Latvia
By public transport
(15 minutes from City Center):
– by trolleybus No. 15 to Lauvas iela stop
– by tram No. 7 or 9 to Balvu iela stop
Jelena Rutkovska: (+371) 67100586, Rutkovska.J@tsi.lv